
Documents for the meeting:

AGM Agenda
Minutes of the 2011 AGM

Report from the Annual General Meeting 2012

The AGM was held on saturday 28th april at the Scout Hut. Here are some highlights from the meeting:

A report on our activities over the previous year was presented by the secretary, and the treasurer presented the accounts. You can download the secretary's report by clicking on this link.

We unanimously agreed to make changes to BANG's Constitution to make it easier for Broomhill residents to join BANG, stay joined and join in our activities. The new constitution can be downloaded by clicking on this link.

We held a 'Workshop' session to discuss what members think are the most pressing issues in Broomhill - the things we should focus our limited resources on over the next year. Lots of excellent ideas were contributed for practical things that BANG could do to help. Download a summary here.

The topics discussed were:

- Making Broomhill a great place to live: (Quiet nights; Safe streets;
Clean air; Goo
d amenities; Quality shops)
- Tackling the things that bring Broomhill down (Traffic; Rubbish; Bins; Noise; Disorder; Messy front gardens; Illegal signs) - This was the one that got the most TOP PRIORITY votes!

- Protecting Broomhill's unique Victorian heritage
(Architecture; Buildings; Trees; Walls; Railings; Street scene)

- Bringing Broomhill's people together (Vibrant, mixed community; Neighbourly; Generous; Belonging)

We will be working on the 'action ideas' from the AGM at our forthcoming monthly open meetings. Please come along and get involved! (see home page for when and where)

Finally, the AGM enlisted and approved volunteers for our Committee for next year (up to April 2013).  The committee members for 2012-13 will be:
Edwin Self;
Alan Wellings;
Beverley Warne;
Ann Watkinson;
Howard Fry;
Wendy Phillips;
Lee Kenny;
Wendy Jenrick;
Kath Fry;
Paul Sanderson.







village show
And here's where to find the scout hut:
Hut map