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Broomhill Village Show - September 24th 2011 

OwlBest In Show - awarded by public vote (the people's choice) was won by Alice Gleeson, age 10, with her Owl Scarecrow in the 'artistic recycling'  show class.
The main prizes awarded by our judges were:
A Taste of Broomhill: awarded to Sara Brindley for her amazing 'bread basket' made of bread, and filled with a selection of bread rolls.

Verdant Village: awarded to Lee Kenny for her basket of garden vegetables.

Broomhill Inspired: was awarded to Elspeth Whitby for her pair of teeny tiny toy mice.
As well as these main prizes the judges awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place rosettes to the winners in the 21 individual show categories. All of the junior 1st prize winners also got one of the very popular animal 'airwalker' ballons to take away.


We're very keen to get your feedback about the show. Do you think we should repeat it next year? If so, what could we do better?
Email secretary@thebang.org.uk

Our Village Show got a good write-up in the local press:

see The Star:  http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/biggest_village_gets_two_greens_1_3809552

village green
With thanks to our sponsors

Sheffield City Council

And to all the local businesses that donated prizes for the winners:

Yorkshire Bank
Lloyds Bank
Fox and Duck
El Toro
Chase Research Cryogenics