
Dealing with bins and litter in Broomhill
If you regularly have too much litter for the size of your bin:
Waste Disposal at the Town Hall-Direct Line-0114.203.7621 - say there are 5 options:-
Reduce the amount going into the black bins as far as
possible...Recycle paper/cardboard + glass bottles/jars (no other
glass) + plastic bottles/jars (no other plastic) + tins/cans.
Individual households/HMOs can can apply to Waste Disposal (Town Hall)
for a large/wide bin (on 4 wheels), if number of occupants qualifies.
N.B.These must be stored during the week off the pavement.
Individual households/HMOs can apply to Veolia (TEL.0114.273.4567) for
an additional (second) blue box (but not an additional blue bin).
(4) Items can also be taken to Recycling Sites (Locations and times: TEL.0114.273.4567).
(5) Home Composting: Discounted composting bins: TEL:0114.273.4567.
If your bin is not emptied when you expect:
your bin/box has not been emptied on the appropriate day and at the
appropriate time, (and you put it out before 07.00 a.m.), then phone
Waste Disposal on 0114 203 7621, BUT phone at least 3 hours after the
usual emptying time, as sometimes they are delayed, e.g. traffic.
If you don't know which day your collection is due, either ask a neighbour or call Waste Disposal on the number given above.
Bins and boxes are also left unemptied if they have been filled with the wrong stuff, or overfilled! You need to be aware that:
Your blue bin should ONLY be for paper/cardboard, and your blue box
should ONLY be for glass bottles/jars + plastic bottles/jars +
Alternatively, you can swap blue box with blue bin, i.e. blue bin
for glass, plastic, tins/cans, and blue box for paper cardboard.
recyclables must not be mixed-i.e. ALL paper/cardboard separated from
ALL glass,plastic,tins/cans, and from other (black bin) waste.
(3) ALL tops should be removed, and ALL cardboard boxes flattened...This makes for a lot more room.
When bins/boxes are put out for emptying, ALL lids should be closed and
be flat. If you can't close the lid there is too much inside.
If your neighbours are making a mess with their rubbish or leaving their bins out in the street for people to trip over:
Contact the Broomhill Good Neighbours coordinator. She can advise how to tackle your problem and speak to the right people. Email her using the link above, or telephone Mobile 0780 568 5999
And if all else fails:
Try reporting your problem using fix my street and please let us know whether it works!
Find out more about local waste disposal services from Sheffield City Council's website here.