
not JOIN BANG? It's easy!!
Do you know? Since 1974
BANG has been working to protect Broomhill’s
- Unique historic
character, architecture and green spaces
Friendly village feel
Distinctive Victorian
Diverse range of shopping and amenities
BANG has lots of
projects at any one time and NEEDS YOUR HELP and SUPPORT to continue its work.
There are many different opportunities to get involved, no matter how much time
you have to spare, who you are, or what interests you have.
Joining BANG is easy, you just need to let
us know that you would like to be a member and supply contact information
(which we will never share with anyone else for any reason).
We rely on
voluntary member donations to fund our activities.
We collect voluntary
membership subscriptions at the time of our AGM each
year. The suggested amount is £10 per year for households, or
£25 for corporate membership,
although if you can afford more your contribution will be most welcome.
Members funds pay for meeting venues, mailings and communications
channels such as
this website.
To join please send us an
email to secretary@thebang.org.uk and include your name, email address, telephone number and mailing address, so that
our membership secretary can contact
you. We will keep your personal data secure and
will never pass your contact details to any third party, nor will we use
your data for any other purpose than to contact you on BANG
If you prefer to contact us by post please use our membership form to send your contact details.
If you are already
a BANG member and want to update your contact details, or find out how to pay your
membership by direct bank transfer, please contact us by post or email.
Join Now!
Three ways to pay subscriptions or make a donation:
you would like to pay by cash you can do so at any of our meetings. We
normally collect annual subscriptions at our AGM, which is in April.
If you prefer to pay
your subscription by direct bank transfer you can do so. Just contact
us using the JOIN NOW
link above to ask for our bank account details. When you set up a
direct bank transfer please ensure that your payment comes with
information that enables us
to identify you (e.g. your surname).
Or simply POST us a cheque to BANG, 140 Manchester Road, Sheffield S10 5DL.
Don't forget to include your name, address and email address (if you
have one) so that we can update our membership records. The membership form is a good way to make sure we have everything we need to keep in touch.