About this site....
This website is published by BANG and is a resource for those living
and working in Broomhill. We hope it will help to inform the Broomhill
community about local current affairs, and encourage people to get
directly involved. You
can browse around this website to find out what makes Broomhill a
special place and get a flavour of what our community has to offer.
If you are a new resident, we hope that the local
information section will help you link up to the community more quickly.
Welcome to Broomhill! We have written a leaflet especially for you with useful information about Broomhill. You can download a copy here. There is also information about Broomhill geared to the needs of our student and young professional residents here.
If you are planning events that you would like local residents
to know about, you can publicise them on this site by sending details to the webteam.
If you own a local
shop, business, or offer other community services, and would like to be
included in our local information section, please get in touch with the
We hope that many of you will want to join into debates in our news + views section, and even better, will join BANG!
As well as
Broomhill's permanent residents, we welcome students, council officers,
and people who work in Broomhill to participate in our activities
- anyone who shares our aims.
About BANG....
was formed way back in 1973 and has been working to make Broomhill a
better place over the last forty years. It is quite possibly
Sheffield's oldest community association and has had a huge impact in
shaping how Broomhill is today. Find out more about what we do here.
Contact BANG....
Email secretary@thebang.org.uk
Postal address: BANG, 140 Manchester Road, Sheffield S10 5DL
Telephone: 0114 299 8838. This is an answering service only, with your
message please leave your 'phone number or other means of contacting
you. We also have a fax number: 0870 974 8886