
About BANG....
was founded nearly forty years ago by a group of architecture students and
local residents concerned about plans to demolish many of BroomhilI’s beautiful
houses to make way for new roads. It was their campaign that led to the
designation of Broomhill as Sheffield’s first conservation area.
Today, BANG
continues to work to raise awareness of what gives Broomhill its special
character and makes it such a great place to live. We’re interested in its
history, its architecture, its environment, its place in SheffieId’s civic
life and its vibrant and varied community.
is a membership organisation run entirely by volunteers of all ages who take part in a diverse range of
activities. We meet monthly to
discuss issues affecting you and where you live. Our meetings are friendly and
open to all; dates, times and venues are listed on our home page.
We are funded entirely from the voluntary contributions of our members.
Responds to planning
and environmental issues that have a negative impact on Broomhill
Supports the proper
management of the conservation area
Helps to voice
community views on the licensing of pubs, restaurants and takeaways
Seeks to ensure that
property rentals and Houses in Multiple Occupation are properly regulated
Works with all
agencies to reduce late night noise and improve public safety
- Raises awareness of
what is special about Broomhill.
BANG has given much thought to how best to manage the impacts
of the large student presence in the area. We seek to reach and engage
with all sections of the community. We have developed a manifesto for Broomhill, which guides what we do at our regular monthly open meetings.
The aims of Bang are explained in our Constitution. Here are some of the things we do to further them:
secure high standards in planning and development that enhance the Broomhill
Conservation Area;
planning applications and comment if we think they should be refused or
revised. For example, community objections to yet another fast food takeaway
helped prevent the unwanted conversion of the shop that is now the S10
Butchers on Glossop Rd.
promote understanding and appreciation of the area’s character, including its
history, social and economic background and the way in which such factors
have shaped the area;
and publish the history of Broomhill’s people and places. For example, BANG’s
campaign to save the ‘secret garden’ led to the site being designated one of
Sheffield’s historic parks and gardens, and covered by tree protection orders.
preserve and enhance the distinctive features that characterise the Broomhill
Conservation area and to work for the improvement or replacement of features
that detract from it;
our eyes and ears open and work with the council to protect and enhance the
area. For example, BANG got the conservation area boundaries extended and
helped develop the area management plan.
To maintain,
and where possible improve, the environment and quality of life in Broomhill;
with licensing, planning and the police to combat illegal night-time trading
in Broomhill so that residents can sleep at night. Our evidence has led to
the successful prosecution of traders that flout the law.
promote community cohesion in Broomhill.
Meet regularly with our councillors to let them know what’s going
on and discuss solutions. We also organise community action to bring
together different sections of the community and promote the district
Anyone who lives or works in Broomhill, or who supports our aims, is welcome to join BANG. Just follow this link.
Contact BANG....
Email secretary@thebang.org.uk
Postal address: BANG, 140 Manchester Road, Sheffield S10 5DL.
Telephone: 0114 299 8838. This is an answering service only, with your
message please leave your 'phone number or other means of contacting
you. We also have a fax number: 0870 974 8886